ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

User Interfaces for Sending and Receiving Packages

There are two places users can go to send and receive packages:

  • ProjectWise Deliverables Management portal
  • ProjectWise Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer

The ProjectWise Deliverables Management portal is accessible from a web browser and does not need any additional software installed in order to use it. The administrator simply registers (creates) a ProjectWise project in the CONNECT Center and then turns on ProjectWise Deliverables Management in that project.

The ProjectWise Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer is a plug-in that you install on top of ProjectWise Explorer. Installing the connector adds a Deliverables Management node to any work area that is associated to a ProjectWise project in which ProjectWise Deliverables Management is turned on.

You can send and receive packages in either interface. Items sent from the portal can be accessed from either the portal or the connector, and items sent from the connector can be accessed either from the connector or the portal. The main difference is that the connector lets ProjectWise Explorer users create packages that contain ProjectWise documents, whereas the ProjectWise Deliverables Management portal lets non-ProjectWise users create packages that contain files uploaded from their network or local file system.